◈명곡감상◈팝&클레식 ◈우주관련 동영상...1 Demian-(無碍) 2012. 10. 27. 15:41 https://www.facebook.com/groups/102894776509062/우주관련 동영상...이헌 링크우주 끝을 찾아서 Looking for end of the universe (National Geographic) Korean ver.www.youtube.com우주 끝을 찾아서 Looking for end of the universe (National Geographic) Korean ver 만약 저작권에 문제가 있다면 즉시 삭제하겠습니다 (If It has problem related an infringement of copyright...이헌우리는 바람 속의 먼지 같은 존재...겨우 존재하는 쥐씨알 만한 공에 붙어 사는 미세한 미물들인 것을Betelgeuse's Sizewww.youtube.comI've been hearing a lot about Betelgeuse lately, and I hadn't realised how immensely huge it is. So I decided to make this short video which shows the size o...옵션이헌Star Size Comparison HDwww.youtube.comThere are several videos circulating showing a comparison of the largest stars so here is my version made using 3DS Max 9 and rendered using the Scanline ren...옵션이헌The Biggest Stars in the Universewww.youtube.comThe Biggest Stars in the Universe, comparison of planet Sizes, Star Sizes, Life in the Universe,.. Original video by: morn1415 http://www.youtube.com/user/mo...옵션이헌A Space Journey (HD)www.youtube.comA small tribute to the Hubble Space Telescope (http://www.spacetelescope.org). Music by David Schombert (http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/david.schombert) Ma...옵션이헌The Majestic Beauty of the Cosmos (Hubble) HD Relaxing space music NASAwww.youtube.comhttp://www.theamnisinitiative.com/distantdreams.htm Each of these sights of the far away corners of the cosmos was captured thanks to the lenses of the Hubbl...옵션이헌Power of Mother Nature 1080p HDwww.youtube.comPower of Mother Nature 1080p HD Musics: 1. Immediate - Trailerhead - "Prelude to Paradise" 2. 2 Steps from Hell - Invincible - "Black Blade" 3. 2 Steps from ...옵션이헌인류-지구역사.aviwww.youtube.com옵션이헌[클릭 사이언스] 지구의 탄생www.youtube.com옵션이헌NGCK-태양계의 탄생.www.youtube.comwww.lightinbible.com옵션이헌.생명, 40억년의 비밀 1부 -www.youtube.comwww.lightinbible.com 옵션이헌우주의 미스터리-은하계의 괴물, 블랙홀www.youtube.com2009옵션이헌우주 빅뱅과 철의 기원www.youtube.com2009옵션이헌the universe 빛의 속도 광속 [Speed of light] 1부 HDwww.youtube.comthe universe 빛의 속도 광속 [Speed of light] 1부 영상속 별 성운 은하..기타등등 태양[Sun] 목성[Jupiter] 해왕성[Neptune] 알파 센타우루스자리[Alpha Centauri] 시리우스 [Sirius] 글리제[Gliese]581d 글리제581c...옵션이헌우주 끝을 찾아서 Looking for end of the universe (National Geographic) Korean ver.www.youtube.com우주 끝을 찾아서 Looking for end of the universe (National Geographic) Korean ver 만약 저작권에 문제가 있다면 즉시 삭제하겠습니다 (If It has problem related an infringement of copyright... 저작자표시 비영리 변경금지